Research at GRID is transdisciplinary and integrative, producing scholarship aimed at shifting paradigms and advancing the field.
Questions about the intersections of genomics, race, ethnicity, ancestry, tribe, identity, and difference can be best examined through research that integrates various disciplines and methods. Our research is largely collaborative, involving colleagues within and outside of Duke and the US. Here we describe some of our current research focus areas and provide links to related empirical projects. See also a list of our Journal Papers and Books + Book Sections.
Race and Genetics in Society To effectively inform and transform how societies think about, use, and are affected by race we need a deeper understanding of current concepts, applications, and effects of race. We are conducting a variety of studies to gain insight into public interpretations, attitudes, and behaviors concerning race.
Genetic Ancestry Testing The very concept of “ancestry” is subject to misunderstanding in both the general and scientific communities. What do we mean by ancestry and how is it measured? What scientific, social, and ethical issues are raised by direct-to-consumer genetic ancestry testing? How do we asses and address the impacts of genetic ancestry testing on individuals and groups? We investigate these and other questions in our research on genetic ancestry testing.
Race in Research and Healthcare Controversies over concepts and uses of race have been ongoing for centuries and have been shaped, in part, by researchers (e.g. anthropologists and geneticists), and healthcare providers (e.g. physicians). We are conducting research to examine prevailing views of these professionals on race, ancestry, and genetics, and to identify and address related areas of concern in research and healthcare.
Gene-Environment Interactions Genetic variations can cause people to respond differently to the same exposure (e.g. certain prescription drugs, chemicals in the environment, or foods). Likewise, various exposures (e.g. stress) can influence the expression of genes. Our research examines the complex relationships among genes, environments (social, physical, behavioral), and health, with a view to better understand and address health inequities and disparities.