
Education and training activities at GRID include courses, mentored research, workshops, and seminars.

The sustainability of GRID and the realization of its global vision and mission are largely dependent on a workforce that is diverse (backgrounds, disciplines, etc.), competent, and committed.

At Duke and beyond, we are enriching STEAM education, integrating STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) disciplines with the Arts, humanities, and social sciences. We are cultivating a critical mass of interdisciplinary researchers, scholars, and practitioners for current and future work pertaining to GRID.

We are also seeking to increase the numbers of students and trainees from groups, such as some US minority groups, that have been traditionally underrepresented in GRID-related fields (such as genomics and bioethics).

GRID’s education and training efforts embrace all learner levels – K-12, undergraduate, graduate, professional, and postgraduate. In addition, faculty and trainees from the US and elsewhere may “reside” at GRID for defined periods in order to acquire and impart knowledge and skills pertinent to the work of the center.

Human Family
by Maya Angelou

Listen to an audio version of Maya Angelou reading her poem “Human Family”.


Race, Genomics and Society
This course explores human history, human variation, and human identity through a broad range of enduring and emerging themes and challenging questions related to race and genetics on a global scale. Find out more about this Duke Signature Course.

Race and Medicine
The purpose of this seminar series is to engage medical students in an integrated analysis of historical and contemporary aspects of the intersection between race and genetics/genomics, and their relation to health and healthcare. See the full description here.

Health in the African Diaspora
This course exposes and explores the separate and joint contributions of biological and non-biological factors to health and wellbeing in peoples from various regions and countries of the African Diaspora. Read more about the course.

Understanding Sickle Cell Disease
This course provides students with an overview of sickle cell disease, including its genetics, epidemiology, pathophysiology, medical complications, psychosocial challenges, and health service from a global perspective. Find out more.